The Spa Island originated by a natural way, by the main Váh river-basin and its circumferent branches. As far as no boundary banks were built, the Spa Island was regularly flooded.
Before more than 200 years were built the provisionally boundary banks and a marshy soil was dried. After that a building of the first spa hotels started and the Spa Park was created.
After the building of a new boundary bank and a regulation of the Váh river-basin in the interwar period was marked reduced a flooding risk. A building of the Colonnade bridge – for the pedestrians, and the Country Bridge for a traffic, was an access to the Spa Island easier.
After more than 200 years history of the various developments, are nowadays situated at about 60 hectares large Spa Island four spa hotels with their own therapeutic centres – Thermia Palace, Esplanade + Alameda (previous Palace), Splendid + Eva (previous Grand) and Pro Patria. In addition to the spa hotels there are The Napoleon Spa, the large thermal swimming pool Eva, golf course, the Congress Hall and other small buildings and spa facilities, which you can see in these photos:
Here is a civic survey map of the Spa Island:
You can get the Spa Island across the Country Bridge over the river Váh. A main arrival entrance is situated at the bridge over the circumferent branch of this river. From a ramp leads a road further to the particular spa hotels, the Congress centre and a golf course in the northern part of the Spa Island. Another arrival entrance on the Spa Island is in its southern part near the Country Bridge for the guests of Thermia Palace.
The Spa Island is connected with the town centre by the Colonnade Bridge. From all the spa hotels you can reach in 20 minutes the town centre by walking through the main promenade or along the river Váh and across this bridge. By each of the spa hotels there is a bus stop, you can take a bus to the town centre. Since springtime and by the autumn circulates a town train across the Spa Island and the town centre.
The most beautiful place on the Spa Island is situated next to its beginning, where you can see the architectonic jewellery (see the chapter A history of the spa town and the chapter The spa hotels).
The Spa Island with its length about 1,5 kilometre offers the beautiful walks in the large Spa Park, and also along the river Váh and its circumferent branch (see the chapter The Spa Park and a nature).
During the walks in the Spa Park or spa hotels, as well as in the forecourts, you can admire the various works of art and the sculptures. The most valuable are the sculptures of four Greek and Roman Gods in the front of the hotel Thermia Palace and the bust of Empress Sissi near the Spa Irma.